A Psychedelics Bull Market Is Inevitable

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted June 25, 2020

I’ve probably watched more television over the past three months than I typically watch in a year.

Before the pandemic, I spent most of my downtime at the gym, coffee shops, and bars that show the fights. 

But now, my gym is my garage, my coffee shop is my kitchen, and watching the fights by yourself is a bit depressing.  

And while I am reading a lot more now, I’m also watching a lot more television, particularly the kind that puts me in a trance for three to four hours at a time. Binge-watching is most certainly an addiction. 

My latest addiction is a show called Deutschland 83, which is about a 24-year-old native of East Germany, who in 1983 is sent to West Germany as an undercover spy for the HVA, the foreign intelligence agency of the Stasi.

I’m not sure how historically accurate it is. I was just a child during the Cold War, and I don’t remember really learning much about it in high school –– it wasn’t yet history. 

Of course, I’ve heard the stories from many of my German friends, particularly one who was an exchange student when I was in college post-reunification. 

She told me stories about all the Germans from the east who flooded her town after the wall fell, many in search of food, medicine, clothing, and long-lost relatives. 

She said it was emotionally overwhelming, and her family took in two teenage girls who were malnourished and suffering from what we now know to be PTSD. They were so badly damaged physically, mentally, and spiritually. But communism will do that to you. 

Another thing she told me was that prior to reunification, citizens of East Germany were forbidden to read certain books that the communists believed were at odds with communist ideologies. 

I’m not sure which books were on that list, but in Deutschland 83, there’s a scene where a young woman turns over a copy of George Orwell’s 1984. He tells her it’s a good book but disallowed.

The young woman found the book in a hidden room, which was fully stocked with hundreds of books that were collected by a man who ran a black market library. 

Apparently, this was a real thing back in those days.

So let that sink in for a moment.

A black market library.

Certain books actually being outlawed because the state determined that human beings had no right to learn and expand their minds.

Can you imagine if our government told us we, as U.S. citizens, have no right to expand our minds?

We’d be up in arms.

So why aren’t we?

Communist Scum

It’s easy to look at tyrannical communist regimes with horror and disgust.

But when it comes to having the freedom to expand our minds, one could argue that the U.S. government has been just as tyrannical.

I came to this conclusion yesterday morning after reading an article about psychedelic drugs, which included an interview with Rick Doblin, who is the founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

Doblin said:

I think that people should have the fundamental human right to change their consciousness. When we talk about the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion, underlying all of that is freedom of thought. Psychedelics are a good example of the freedom of thought that we should have.

While psychedelics are not the same as books, both can offer tremendous value to people who want to learn, become more knowledgeable about life and more in tune with states of mindfulness and their own perceptions of reality.

But for a long time, much in the way the DDR enforced the prohibition on books, the government of the so-called “land of the free” also enforced the prohibition of psychedelics.

Much of this was the result of Nixon’s war on drugs, which essentially vilified psychedelic medicines because counter-culture movements in the U.S. had embraced them. This was despite early research showing the tremendous benefits of psychedelics being used to treat various mental illnesses. 

Of course, a lot has changed since the 1970s.

In fact, psychedelic medicines are not only being studied in university and hospital settings again, but the federal government via the FDA is supporting and even fast tracking some of this research.

If you’re a regular reader of these pages, you’ve already heard me tell you about how the FDA is eager to see if psychedelic medicines can help curb the opioid crisis.

It’s also looking at how psychedelics could help the millions of people suffering from PTSD. 

In fact, it was announced last week that six clinical trials using MDMA to treat PTSD have shown remarkable success, with 67% of participants showing no signs of PTSD a full year after treatment ended. 

This is huge!

Just think about all the veterans out there who suffer from PTSD.

Think about all those folks who suffer from PTSD as a result of sexual assault.

Think about how many people across the globe have experienced such extreme levels of trauma that they can’t hold jobs, build relationships, or even go out in public.

In the U.S. alone, it has been estimated that more than 13 million people suffer from PTSD.

Now imagine if more than half of those folks could be successfully treated with a psychedelic compound, one that has been outlawed for decades but now may find its way into the good graces of the FDA and thousands of mental health professionals who are desperate to find better treatments for their patients who suffer from PTSD.

Not only do psychedelics represent an amazing opportunity to help millions of sick people, but they also represent an opportunity to profit from what could ultimately be the biggest game-changer we’ve ever seen in the world of mental health. There are literally billions of dollars at stake here. 

Of course, I realize that this world of psychedelics is still pretty new to a lot of investors, so I put together a new report, which essentially serves as a sort of introduction to the psychedelics industry. You can click here to download it for free.

Even if you have no interest in investing in the psychedelics space, I would encourage you to read the report, so you can see for yourself how this medicine can help so many people.  Maybe even people you personally know.

It’s true that I have no idea what it’s like to live in a communist country like the one depicted in Deutschland 83, but I do know that any effort made by the government to deny citizens the right to expand their minds and medicate freely is an exercise in tyranny. Not only do I denounce such authoritarianism, but I will seek to capitalize on its demise.  

I would encourage all other honorable, justice-minded citizens to do the same. 

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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